Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mountain Biking

Ok, so I feel like I am not very good at mountain biking, but it's becoming really fun to me.  A lot of times I find myself wondering why I'm not the type of person who can't be satisfied just reading a book or going for a run. No, for some reason, I need to put myself in situations where my adrenaline is really going.  So, mountain biking is becoming an avenue for that, apparently.

Yesterday I went on the most technical ride I've been on yet.  I did a ride called the Flathead Pass climb about 20 miles north of town.  Of course I brought my trusty adventure dog.  The ride was rated 3/5 in  "technical difficulty" in my guide. Well, apparently 3 is not in my comfort zone. I definitely had to get off and push my bike a bunch, but there were also sections that I pushed myself and surprised myself by making it up.

The weather was phenomenal. So were the views. The Bozeman area is really fantastic (oh yeah, for those reading this, I moved to Bozeman for the summer to work at a non-profit conservation organization called the Greater Yellowstone Coalition).  I'm riding my dad's old hardtail Marin no-bells-or-whistles-no-hydraulics-no-diskbreaks bike. It is sweet.

riding up through ranchlands

Izzy (in her new backpack) at the top.

The ride took place on a rugged, rutted, super rocky jeep road.  At the top, we ran into a bunch of ATVers and people who had driven Jeeps up.  What the hell is the point in driving a vehicle on a really rugged road?  

view looking south.  

We rode another few miles from the pass and got back onto trails very few people use. On the way down I learned the hard way that to ride down super rocky, rutted terrain, you need to go fast. I went too slow and ate shit pretty hard on the rocks. Somehow I walked away with only a scrape on my hand, which bled enough to get all over my shirt. I was pretty shaken up after the fall, but did get back on and then had fun again.  After getting back to town, I  had to run a few errands, and was humored by the fact that I was covered in mud with blood all over my shirt returning a mousepad at Staples.