Thursday, May 23, 2013

Evening climbing at Rattler Gulch

Just a quick entry, because I'm packing to move and should probably go to sleep.

Today, after working diligently for a few hours typing up code for my thesis, my friend Larry and I took advantage of the break in the rain to head to Rattler Gulch, about 45 miles east of Missoula.  Very close to Mulky Gulch in fact.  It was such a gorgeous afternoon and the new snow in the distance was a nice sight.

View from the top of "Snake Eye"
 We tacked some easy climbs (all 5.8's), but I lead them all and felt good about it.  I felt controlled and careful and totally within my ability level.  I feel like I'm ready to move on to leading more 5.9's.

The limestone ribs of Rattler Gulch
 Izzy, on the other hand, is not so jazzed about me getting up high away from her... She's certainly getting more used to the idea, but seems genuinely concerned that my life is in the hands of a 9.8mm yellow little rope.

All in all, a good afternoon/evening of climbing.  Nice to get out for one of my last days in Missoula for a while.

Sidewinder Wall

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