Sunday, January 12, 2014

Season's pass

I just want to take a minute and reflect on how much fun I've had skiing this past week.

I am glad I am that I have a pass this year!  I have been having a lot of fun this break going up to the Bowl really frequently.  I love skiing at the Bowl, shitty conditions or bluebird skies.  It's exactly a 30 minute drive from my house.  People love to hate on the Bowl.... and I can't really figure out why.  You minimize the driving, maximize the skiing, and still have time to run errands, go to the dog park, and the climbing gym.  I rode the chair with an enthusiastic lady today who said it pretty perfectly...

"You either love the Bowl or you hate it. And all those who hate it can just miss out and leave the rest for us."

It really amazes me how much people complain about bad conditions, or refuse to go skiing in "bad conditions."  Last time I checked, storms = snow.  So yeah, if you want to ski soft snow, your probably going to have to go skiing in a storm.

 I also want to recognize that in the past week I have snowboarded, toured, telemarked, and alpine skied. I am so grateful that I have the physical ability, money, friends, and time to be able to do this.  This time last year I wasn't sure I'd ever ski again.

Thanks to all who get out there with me; I look forward to the rest of the season and many more to come.

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